

Artists & Scientists

(2023-ongoing) scientists,  artists, and people 

Work in Progress

Conversations with Artists and Scientists (CWAS) builds relational connections between artists and scientists through a non-hierarchical form of conversation, where each person in the conversation has an equal voice.  The conversation is a mutually generative and creative process that fosters curiosity and connection. It is an experiment - a new way for scientists and artists to explore collaborations. 

The  Social Practice CUNY (SPCUNY)  grant made supported a group of artists and scientists based in Nairobi, Kenya to co-create this specific conversational structure. The work is in progress and being created in person in Nairobi and virtually between artists; Jepkorir Rose, James Muriuki, Floor Grootenhuis, and Scientists; Hussein Abkallo and Kelly Nakami.

More information here

The birds eye view of our first gathering as a complete group hosted by the C& artist space in Westlands, Nairobi. We started to explore the conversation format between us as artists and scientists.